Let's Join Forces & Create A Wellness Hub! Are you an Acupuncturist, Private Yoga Instructor, Massage Therapist, Colonic Facilitator, Wholistic Based Wellness Practitioner in the Boulder-Denver area? Please connect so you can be part of the Whole Sacred Wellness referral list for clients looking for additional support in their Health & Wellness journey!
Collaboration & Investment Opportunity: Calling all Healers, Teachers & Angel Investors for Bella's Sacred Temple of Healing- Workshop and Retreat Space
As a wellness enthusiast, I have been holding this grand vision of a Healing Retreat House that offers all different healing modalities, meditation sessions, fresh superfoods bar & lounge, yoga,workshop and sacred dance studio, hot tub, sauna, pool for Aquatic Therapies, expansive deck, personalized wellness sessions, private detox baths, workshops, singing bowl sessions, massage, Intuitive Touch energy healing, a wide range of yoga classes and Sacred movement, high vibrational music, meditation lounge, and connective community dinners and events.
This Sacred Temple will be a retreat space, a place that feels like home, a place that brings in visitors from all around the world to re-connect with themselves and like-hearted souls; this Home Temple will be a source of uplift, inspiration and much needed healing. The energy will be felt. The ripple will be significant.
In order to turn this vision into reality, I'm seeking healers and teachers of all kinds that would be interested in offering their gifts from our Healing Home; and the most important would be angel investor(s) that would be interested in supporting financially in order to and get this home up and running. All investors will have special privileges to use of facilities of the healing house/retreat space and attending our special events. If you find yourself in resonance with this vision, or would like to join the magical healing team, I would love to connect with you! <3